Friday, August 14, 2009

Rhyme Time

I can't remember exactly when I started thinking about it. I think maybe it was when I saw the Julie/Julia movie commercial for the umpteenth time or read an article about the storyline. The story is that Julie decides to cook her way through Julia's cookbook and blog about it. For whatever reason, I thought about blogging about sewing but I don't sew quite enough for that. From there I free-associated to some sort of "structure" (like a cookbook) I could use as the framework for a blog. And from there I free-associated to the old "Wash on Monday" rhyme.

Wash on Monday
Iron on Tuesday
Mend on Wednesday
Churn on Thursday
Clean on Friday
Bake on Saturday
Rest on Sunday

I am pretty sure I first heard this in Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House on the Prairie books. I thought I'd see if I could find the origin of it, which I have not exactly been able to do. However, did introduce me to an old English version which is as follows:

Wash on Monday
Iron on Tuesday
Bake on Wednesday
Brew on Thursday
Churn on Friday
Mend on Saturday
Go to meeting on Sunday

And so begins my task of reorganizing my life to follow this age-old pattern. I don't know if it will work better than my current routine, but there must have been some reason women did it this way for hundreds of years. Hopefully, I'll find out why they did this. Or I'll find out why we all stopped bothering with this structure. Maybe it doesn't fit well in the modern world.

I've opted to use the first and more familiar version of the rhyme for a couple of reason. The primary reason is that I haven't come up with a good substitute for "Brew on Thursday". For churn, I will substitute "shop". I do plan to make butter at some point, but I don't see it being a weekly event.

I picked "Wednesday Girl" because I like "mend" the best of the items on the list. That said, using "Wednesday Girl" could cause some confusion if you are aware of the rhyme about a person's disposition based on the day they were born. Here it is:

Mondays child is fair of face
Tuesdays child is full of grace
Wednesdays child is full of woe
Thursdays child has far to go
Fridays child is loving and giving
Saturdays child works hard for his living
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay

I don't want my blog to be about woe. I was actually born on a Thursday, but I don't like the idea of "far to go" or of churning.

So Wednesday it is.... Wednesday Girl stitching things together. The past and the present and the future. Hopefully, it all comes out in the wash.


  1. "The Other White Lance", as my mom used to call him.

    I didn't remember that, but it does sound like Mom :)

  2. Sarah, this is way cute. I will be following along...
